Akademia Wojny - forum

Zabawy forumowe - Wanna talk? / Would you like to converse, sir?

Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:59
li xa li xa li cixa
Leance - 2010-12-28, 00:00
I'm still undecided beetwen left and down... These new ways make me dilemmas of my views.
Lowcakur - 2010-12-30, 14:09
Ich denke, dass deutsch eine gut sprach ist. Ich spreche auch polnish, english, französich und einbisschen swedish und italiensh. Wer(fur uns) kann Bayernish sprechen?
tylkoontamstoi - 2010-12-30, 17:11
я не люблю разговаривать о политике в зарубежных языках. особенно по-русски :-P
Whatever... ;-)
Tarnoob - 2010-12-30, 19:33
Obisidianwasserspeier – obsydianowy gargulec
Hektor - 2010-12-30, 22:15
About american english. In "American English" some words look difrrent.

and so on and so on
Olek - 2011-01-08, 23:10
What? I don't like English but American is OK! :-o
So... I don't use the google translator. This turns ,,tak nie myślę'' on ,,Yes I do not think''. Sorry. It's false. I do not quite know English. :oops:
Daffodil - 2011-01-09, 11:41
So, don't worry and be happy, my friend. :)
Leance - 2011-07-21, 23:33
Isn't it a good while to reactivate this topic?
LaEa - 2011-07-22, 12:52
No, orange is a troll, I know my friends...
tylkoontamstoi - 2011-07-22, 15:06
Let's spam this topic in english :-P
yarzapp - 2012-08-09, 15:54
I believe this topic deserves resurrection.
Many things have been happening last time on our forum, maybe we can discuss a little about the events in english, Deutsch, oder español? Infortunadamente no hablo otras lenguas.
Tal vez un poco ruso o francés.
Wie findet ihr?
Leance - 2012-08-09, 16:01
I'd like to start learning spanish but seems I'm too lazy to start doing it on my own :-?
Daffodil - 2012-08-09, 16:12
I think that no one wants to talk/write in English, because we live in Poland and Poles are too proud to use other languages than their mother tongue(I think it's correct. :D).
Leance - 2012-08-09, 16:16
Daffodil napisał/a:
no one wants to talk/write in English

They rather don't wanna do so cause they dont want to make mistakes.