Akademia Wojny - forum

Zabawy forumowe - Wanna talk? / Would you like to converse, sir?

Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 22:54
Warum jeder spricht English hier? Kennt jemand Deutsch?
yarzapp - 2010-12-27, 23:12
Pienso que Paweł dice bien, pero creo que a mì espaňol me gusta más.

[ Dodano: 2010-12-27, 23:13 ]
Tarnoob napisał/a:
Warum jeder spricht English hier? Kennt jemand Deutsch?

Ich spreche etwas Deutsch, aber ich mag diese Sprache nicht.
Leance - 2010-12-27, 23:23
Tarnoob napisał/a:
Warum jeder spricht English hier? Kennt jemand Deutsch?

Ich verwende es nicht, weil ich es nicht mögen (und nicht kennen).
I just avoid it outside school :P
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:29
So do I.

Has anyone of you taken CAE or sth like that? Do you have any advices how to prepare for it?
Gandalf - 2010-12-27, 23:34
Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch, aber das macht mir keinen SpaB. Fremdsprache mag ich uberhaupt nicht. :-P
I'm too stupid to learn more than two foreign languages and too lazy to use even those two. And of course, I make more mistakes, than 12-year old child from Pakistan...
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:34
You mean Pakistanian, don't you?
Gandalf - 2010-12-27, 23:35
Of course, I do.
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:36
I guess you've voted for the modernity and capitalism ('up-wing') in the political survey, Gandalf, haven't you?
Gandalf - 2010-12-27, 23:37
I haven't voted yet. Please, give me few minutes to decide.
EDIT: OK, that wasn't a big problem for me....
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:38
As far as I remember, quite long time ago you showed your results of a political test which indicated your views to be libertarian. Do you hesitate?
yarzapp - 2010-12-27, 23:39
It was me, who has.
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:49
So what can we talk about… Would anyone like to drink a cup of tea maybe? What is the weather in your area?
Gandalf - 2010-12-27, 23:49
But me either. ;-) I always hesistate, but more often, when I have to choose the ideology, than in case, when I ask some detailed questions...
EDIT: The weather is amazing...Gone was the dirty sun of Warsaw, the sun of liers and fools...
I prefer coffee, especially, when it's afternoon and I don't want to sleep before 3 a.m.
Tarnoob - 2010-12-27, 23:50
So you had some hesitations… Probably between left and up, huh?
Gandalf - 2010-12-27, 23:53
You're right.